preserve, protect, and plan

Envision Perdido

Empowering local voices and fostering a strong, united future for our community, ensuring today’s actions build a legacy for future generations.

Our community-first vision

Create a shared community commitment to preserve Perdido’s culture, to protect its natural beauty, and to balance progress with local values and environmental stewardship.

We believe in empowering local voices and fostering a strong, united future for our community—one where development and preservation coexist, ensuring today’s actions build a legacy for future generations.

The vision for the future of our community rests within its citizens. We invite you, the citizens of Perdido, along for this journey.

Be part of Perdido's Future

Join us in preserving Perdido’s culture, protecting its natural beauty, and creating a balanced, united future for our community. Your voice matters—share your ideas, get involved, and help shape the decisions that will impact Perdido for generations to come.